Family and Faith Formation
$55 or $45 for groups of 10 or more
All catechists and ministry leaders are invited to a full day of recollection. Our theme is: "The Jubilee of Hope: Living the Gospel and Being Disciples."
Our presenters will be Rev. Phillip Donlan, CP (English) and Rev. Eduardo Fernandez, SJ (Espanol)
Register above.
Are you a college-age young adult looking for an experience of a lifetime? Consider becoming a
missionary for Totus Tuus in the Diocese of Sacramento. Totus Tuus is a summer program
experience for young Catholics. As a Totus Tuus Missionary, you will
teach, inspire, and have a ton of fun with the youth while working with a team of other
missionaries. This year’s summer 2025 program will run from May 28th through August 1st.
Consider applying! Applications are due by February 28, 2025. For more info on how to apply, please contact Jen Alcorn (530) 906-8142.
Presented by the Office of Priestly & Religious Vocations
February 18th, 7pm
RSVP at [email protected]
For more information: (916) 733-0258 or see above
The Sacramento Diocese currently has a vacant staff accountant position for their Finance Department. This is an entry level position so any recent graduate with an accounting or related field or 1-2 years of accounting/booking experience will be ideal. See our St. Francis Website for more information on this and other employment opportunities in the Diocese.
Topic: John the Baptist Model of Humility
Saturday, March 1 2025 9:00 AM—12:00 PM
Immaculate Conception Church
814 Solano St. Corning, CA
$15 per person. Register above.
Questions? Renae Magaña (916) 733-0131 [email protected]
World Marriage Day is right around the corner. Come and celebrate your marriage with us. Bishop Soto will preside at the Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Saturday February 15th, 2025, starting at 11:30 am. A small reception will follow the Mass. We hope to see you there! More information and to register see above.
Well good news, you still have an opportunity to purchase award winning wines from New Clairvaux Vineyard owned by the Trappist Cistercian monks in Vina! Wines being served at the Dinner are from this vineyard which won the prestigious “2024 Golden State Winery of the Year Award” at the California State Fair. It is simple to order, just click on the attached link to their website or use the QR code. (See below.) 20% of your total order will be a profit for our church!! Once again, this is a limited time offer during the month of February and through March 15th. A New Clairvaux wine will go great with any occasion or for gift giving! Buy a few bottles of fine wines and help out our parish, too!!! Purchase above.
All are welcome!
"Celebrating and Honoring the Love, Care, and Friendships of our St. Francis Parish Community"
Join us after the 7:30 AM mass, on Sunday, February 16, 2025/ 8:30 AM-9:30 AM for coffee and Valentine Day treats in front of our Church.
Sunday, February 9 at 12:30 pm St. Anthony, 660 Florin Road, Sacramento The Diocese of Sacramento Office of Family and Faith Formation and the Ministry for Catholics with DisAbilities (MCdA) will be hosting a Sensory Friendly Mass at St. Anthony Parish in Sacramento on Sunday, February 9 at 12:30 pm. The Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Paul Zirimenya. All are welcome to attend, especially those with sensory issues. The Mass will be in a stigma-free environment with special accommodations to help reduce instances of overstimulation, especially for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities. For more information contact Martha Haig at 916-733-0132 or [email protected].
Join us for a screening of the Documentary, "Americans with no Address" followed by a panel discussion for social justice ministries.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church February 10th 6:30 PM-8:30 PM. Sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul, California Catholic Conference, and Catholic Charities.
Youth Led Summit on Climate Action and Caring for Creation based on the Pope's encyclical.
April 3: online orientation and training
April 6: 4 PM Mass, community building, and dinner
April 7: 9:30 AM Youth-led Public Witness at State Capitol,
10:30 AM Advocacy Meetings. Lunch Available,
1 PM Closing
For details and to register see above.
February 08, 2025 1-3 PM
St. Igantius of Loyola Church
3235 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825
Come learn and discuss about this important topic. Online option available.
A round table discussion for Bereavement Consolation Ministers in the Sacramento Diocese to
provide them with ongoing training, support, and a platform to network with each other. Valuable
information to be presented at this gathering will be (1) signs and symptoms of those at risk for
suicide (2) Best practice responses to assist those at risk for suicide (3) Discussion of the grieving
process for those who have lost a loved one through suicide (4) Discussion about our Christian
hope in coping with the loss of a loved one. All who are interested in this topic may attend and
participate. All are welcome! For more info: Marisela Franco 916-733-0156
Register above.
Thank you to everyone who donated, participated, or helped out at our North Sacramento Ecumenical Conference event for the Week of Christian Unity. Thank you for your support! See above for the livestream recordings.
Through February 16, the St. Francis elementary school and the Pastoral Council's Outreach Ministry will collect winter socks, scarves, knit hats, and gloves. Collection baskets are located by the church entrance. These items will be donated to Loaves & Fishes and Mercy Pedalers. Thank you for your generosity. Click the title for more information on these two organizations.
Do you feel called to minister to those who are sick or unable to attend Mass? We are looking to rebuild and strengthen the Communion for the Sick ministry. This ministry is a beautiful way to share Christ with those who are unable to make it to Mass. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Debbie Clingingsmith at [email protected]. Fr. Amer will provide a training once a group is formed. Expect to complete safe haven and live scan training to participate.
A reminder from Pathways for Justice Ministry’s (PFJ) April Garden Plant Fundraiser Sale! Gearing up for the spring plant sale, PFJ could use your help in collecting the following:
* Small and large plantings, especially gallon size or larger;
* Bulbs, vegetables, succulents---your choices too!
* Small, large, used and new planters and pots--especially decorative ones—cleaned, if needed;
* Garden Art, including Bird Feeders, Chimes, etc.
Collect and begin to grow now for future donations to the sale!! Please, please, please remember to label your plant donations. We can help!
For additional information, please contact Jane Potter at [email protected] or Karen Shepard at [email protected] or 530-383-6133
Thank you in advance for your efforts to make the Plant Sale on April 26-27 a success!!!
-FrancisFest Fundraising Committee
Please continue to pray for all those affected by the wildfires sweeping through southern California, especially the residents who have been displaced, lost their residences or evacuated. We ask for God’s protection upon the firefighters, emergency personnel and volunteers providing much needed immediate and long-term support. Pray for those who have died and all those suffering losses during this catastrophic time. Parishioners wishing to donate money can click on the title for more information.
As many of you know, the Church has been closed during the week due to the building project, but we are now reopening it. The Church will be open from 8:00 AM-3:00 PM on Monday-Thursday and 8:00 AM-1:30 PM on Fridays.
IMPORTANT NOTE!!!!: For those who have purchased tickets for the Winemaker's Dinner, please be aware that there is a time conflict.
A married couples weekend will be held at San Damiano Retreat Center, a Franciscan Retreat Center in Danville, California. The theme is "Living a Fulfilled Marriage." The retreat will be from Friday evening, February 28 to Sunday lunch, March 2, 2025. Cost is $500 per couple and includes meals and everything for the weekend. Check-in on Friday is from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Dinner is served at 7:00 PM. The retreat concludes with lunch at noon on Sunday. Register here!
The Jubilee Year starts on December 24, 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. The
theme is Pilgrims of Hope. In our Diocese, we will celebrate a special Vigil mass to proclaim the
Jubilee Year at the Cathedral on Saturday, December 28, 2024 (The Feast of the Holy Family). This
significant celebration in the Catholic Church will continue throughout 2025 until the Holy Door
closes on December 28, 2025. The Jubilee Year officially concludes in Rome on January 6, 2026.
What is the Jubilee Year? A jubilee year is a time in which God’s holiness transforms us. The Bible
indicates that the holy year was intended to be marked as a time to re-establish a proper
relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. In 1470, Pope Paul II declared
that Holy Years would be celebrated every 25 years. Holy Year, or Jubilee Year, includes special
celebrations and pilgrimages, strong calls for conversion and repentance, and special
opportunities to experience God’s grace through the sacraments, especially confession.
For more info about how to celebrate the Jubilee Year, click the image.