The St. Francis of Assisi Fraternity, Sacramento, is a branch of the world-wide Franciscan family and we meet each 4th Sunday of the month. Currently we meet in the Parish Center but meetings may also take place in Brunsman Hall. The Sacramento Fraternity has been part of the St Francis parish since 1895 and currently has about 20 members. The Secular Franciscan Order (Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis) was established by St Francis nearly 800 years ago and the purpose of the Fraternity is bring the gospel to life where we live and work. We do this by studying and learning about Franciscan theology, reading about Franciscan saints, and committing to service in the community. To find out more, send an email to [email protected]. More information about the St. Francis of Assisi Fraternity, Sacramento can be found here: www.stfrancisfraternitysacto.org