Saint Francis
of Assisi
Sacramento, CA    Home  |  Children's Baptism  |  R.C.I.A.  |  C.I.C.  |  Adult Confirmation  |  Reconciliation  |  Marriage Preparation  |  Anointing of the Sick

For more information, contact:Director of Faith Formation (916) 443-8084 x112 or

Children and young adults of catechetical age (7-16) who are not yet baptized and their families receive weekly catechesis, companionship and support.

CIC is a two-year process, which culminates with:

  • Baptism/Profession of Faith
  • Confirmation
  • First Eucharist at the Easter Vigil
and continues with monthly support of new members.

Requirements to participate in this program:

  • Initial interview with the Director of the R.C.I.A.

Information Brochure:

Confirmation / First Eucharist
Each year, children and young adults of our parish receive Confirmation and First Eucharist under the spiritual guidance of volunteer catechists.

Parish Community Support
As a community, we journey with the children and young adults who are seeking to join the Roman Catholic Church. During Mass, we pray with the candidates and catechumens and witness the rites that lead up to and include: Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Together with them, we renew our baptismal promises.