Saint Francis
of Assisi
Sacramento, CA  




The members of the Transition Team thank each and every one of you for the support you’ve given us over the past few weeks.

One of the things that change sometimes causes is a circling of the wagons; in other words, an attempt by the group facing change to keep the change out. Not here! This parish is amazing. While none of us were happy to learn that we would no longer receive pastoral care from the Franciscans, we didn’t just sit around and gripe about it. We joined hands and prayed, and as a community reminded ourselves that we are Franciscans too, and we’re staying put!

We will certainly miss Fr. Ken and Fr. Sebastian. However, the best way to honor their service is for each of us to do our part to ensure that the Franciscan charism remains alive and well here. And as good Franciscans, we must also strive to be open and inviting to our new pastor when he comes, and do everything we can to make this transition continue smoothly.

We have a number of programs already in the parish that help build community: for example, Pathways of Justice, Women in Conversation, Senior Yoga classes, the Young Adult Ministry, and others. The Transition Team is also planning more Spirit and Life Gatherings for June and for July. These types of events help us continue to grow in community and in our Franciscan spirituality – watch the bulletin for more information about these and other opportunities.

St. Francis said “We should seek not so much to pray, but to become prayer.” Pope Francis said “You pray for the hungry, and then you feed them. That’s how prayer works.” Both of these wise quotes remind us that we always need to pray, but that we also must actively engage in making our prayers become reality. That is exactly what’s been happening here at St. Francis, and will continue to happen as we journey down this path together.


Margaret Healey: Judy Miranda:
Beth White: Mark Schroeder:
Stephen Tholcke: Dick Jaco:
Loretta Palaca: Serge Boulanger:
Samara Palko:  




©  St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Sacramento, CA
1066 26th Street Sacramento, CA 95816
phone: (916) 443-8084  |  fax: (916) 443-7356  |  email |  site feedback